Tuesday, August 20, 2024

What Americans sadly ignore when following their presidential conventions

Americans, when following a red, blue or a no-color presidential convention, it behooves you to know the following fact that is, for all practical purposes, being totally silenced.

Since 1988, bank regulations are de facto based on that all the bureaucrats who decide on how money is to be used, from the president to the lowest government echelon, know better what to do with federal government debt held by banks, and for which repayment they’re not personally responsible for, than all of America’s small businesses and entrepreneurs know what to do with the bank loans they are, one way or another, personally responsible to repay.

Scary, eh? 

And you don’t have to just take my word for it. “Assets for which bank capital/equity requirements were nonexistent, were what had the most political support; sovereign credits. A ‘leverage ratio’ discouraged holdings of low-return government securities” Paul Volcker

Now go back and have a new look at the conventions and ask yourself: do I want the future of my children and grandchildrens nation to be more in the hands of these aspiring public servants than in hand of those private citizens who made America great?

And if you think that because of this last question it has only to do with the Democratic convention let me, ask: Do you think Donald Trump, as a president, knows better what to do with America's debts, for which repayment he’s not personally responsible for than what, as a successful business man he knew (or at times did not), with credit for which, even if sometimes only in terms of his ego and reputation, he had to repay.

Please! Look at the outrageous current level of US government debt, and reflect on if it all that has trickled down adequately to the real economy. 

PS. Will any American main stream media publish this, or are they all just too beholden to the regime.