Wednesday, August 21, 2024

America, remember where you came from and set your eyes on where you need to go back to.

By having him/her promising to eliminate risk weighted bank capital/equity requirements with decreed weights: Federal Government 0% - We the People 100%, elect as president someone willing to disempower the reigning Bureaucracy Autocracy.

In America, with risk weights: Federal Government 0% - We the People 100%, its bank regulators have de facto decreed, that the public sector knows better what to do with public debts than the private sector with its.

America, Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave, understand these regulations imply the public sector knows better what to do with public debts than the private sector with its. Is that not communism/fascism?

So, here some basic questions: 

#RNC If president, does Donald Trump know better what to do with Americas’ debt, for which repayment he’s not responsible for than what, as a business man, he knew (or sometimes did not) with debts he had to repay, even if sometimes only in terms of his reputation?

#DNC If president, does Kamala Harris know better what to do with Americas’ debt for which repayment she’s not responsible for than what, as an ordinary citizen, she thinks she knows with e.g., a mortgage or her credit card debts?

#INC If president, does Robert F. Kennedy know better what to do with Americas’ debt, for which repayment he’s not responsible for than what, as an ordinary citizen, he thinks he knows with e.g., a mortgage or his credit card debts?

#VPs Do JD Vance, Tim Walz or Nicole Shanahan, know better what to do with America's government debt, for which repayment they're not responsible for. than what, as ordinary citizens, they know, with e.g., their mortgages or their credit card debts?

Conclusion: If you've answered "NO!" to all these questions, you know very well, what you must demand your candidate promises to get rid off. 

And, of course, if elected president, hold him very accountable for it.