#AI ChatGPT – OpenAI “Bred by human intelligence, when does artificial intelligence take on a life on its own?” Is the umbilical cord between HI and AI cut?
I asked ChatGPT:
"Since artificial intelligence is the result of human intelligence, even though perhaps a runaway one, when exactly is AI born and takes on a life on its own? Or is it that the umbilical cord between HI and AI, is never effectively cut?"
ChatGPT answered:
"The concept of when exactly artificial intelligence (AI) is considered to be "born" and takes on a life of its own is a subject of debate and interpretation. AI, in its broadest sense, refers to the development of machines or computer systems that can perform tasks that would typically require human intelligence. However, determining the point at which AI becomes truly independent and autonomous is not a well-defined moment.
AI is initially created and developed by human intelligence (HI), where programmers and researchers design algorithms and models to enable machines to learn and make decisions. However, once AI systems are trained and deployed, they can operate independently, processing vast amounts of data and making decisions without constant human intervention.
It is important to note that AI systems do not possess consciousness or self-awareness in the way humans do. They lack subjective experience and emotions. They are designed to mimic human intelligence and perform specific tasks based on patterns and algorithms. While they can exhibit sophisticated behaviors and perform complex tasks, their functioning is ultimately rooted in the programming and data they have been trained on.
The umbilical cord metaphor can be useful in understanding the relationship between HI and AI. The connection between HI and AI remains strong even after the AI system is deployed. Ongoing human involvement is often necessary to monitor, maintain, and update AI systems, as well as to address ethical considerations, biases, and unexpected consequences that may arise. Humans provide oversight, make decisions, and take responsibility for the actions and outcomes of AI systems.
In some cases, AI systems may also be designed with the ability to learn and improve themselves autonomously, a concept known as "recursive self-improvement." This can potentially lead to a scenario where AI systems evolve rapidly and surpass human intelligence. However, such a scenario, often referred to as artificial general intelligence (AGI) or superintelligence, remains speculative and is not yet realized.
In summary, the precise moment when AI becomes fully independent and cuts ties with human intelligence is subjective and open to interpretation. AI is born out of human intelligence, but the ongoing relationship and interaction between HI and AI continue to play a crucial role in the development, deployment, and governance of AI systems."
Note: The answers are copied exactly from those given to me by OpenAI - ChatGPT.