Sunday, October 11, 2020

CNN, really?

As of October 10, 2020, with John Hopkins University as source of considering total populations, from the data reported by CNN reported that if we consider respective total populations, the USA suffers 5.9 times more Coronavirus cases than the rest of the world; and 5.7 times more deaths.

As of November 14, 2020, now with WHO, CDC, ECDC, NHC, DXY as sources those same figures indicate USA suffers 4.8 times more Coronavirus cases than the rest of the world; and 4.3 times more deaths.

"facts first"? And on December 6, adjusted for population CNN indicates data that Covid-19 causes 6.7 times more cases and 5.7 times more deaths in U.S than in the rest of the world. Really?

Are the previous and current figures really believable? 
Does no one at CNN question these?

CNN has been seriously infected by the ongoing polarization pandemic.

Winston Churchill on herd immunity?

On schools in Covid-19 times

Financial and other escape valve in times of Covid-19