Sunday, July 02, 2023

#AI ChatGPT – OpenAI: Can artificial intelligence measure how much platitudes and/or cliches public statements contain?

I asked OpenAI:

"Can artificial intelligence measure declarations/statements in terms of how much platitudes or cliches these contain, so as to with an index built around these terms, classify the different public statements with which we are bombarded by e.g., central bankers?"

OpenAI answered: 

"Artificial intelligence can be used to analyze text and identify patterns, including the presence of platitudes or cliches within declarations or statements. However, determining the exact degree of platitudes or cliches in a statement is a more nuanced task that may require additional context and subjective interpretation."

Here's a general approach that could be used:

1. Data Collection: Gather a dataset of public statements or declarations made by central bankers or other relevant individuals.

2. Preprocessing: Clean and preprocess the text data, which may involve removing stopwords, punctuation, and normalizing the text (lowercasing, stemming, etc.).

3. Identification of Platitudes or Cliches: Develop a list or set of common platitudes or cliches that you want to identify within the text. These could be specific phrases or patterns that you consider indicative of platitudes or cliches.

4. Text Analysis: Utilize natural language processing (NLP) techniques, such as keyword matching or rule-based approaches, to identify instances of the identified platitudes or cliches within the text.

5. Scoring or Indexing: Assign a score or index value to each statement based on the number or frequency of identified platitudes or cliches. This could involve counting occurrences, calculating a ratio, or using a more sophisticated scoring method.

6. Classification: Based on the scores or index values obtained, classify the statements into different categories or levels, such as "high cliches," "moderate cliches," or "low cliches."

It's important to note that the accuracy of such analysis depends on the quality of the dataset, the comprehensiveness of the list of platitudes or cliches, and the effectiveness of the text analysis techniques used. Additionally, the interpretation and categorization of statements as platitudes or cliches may vary based on subjective judgment and domain-specific knowledge.

While AI can assist in automating parts of this process, it is crucial to validate and interpret the results with human oversight to ensure the analysis aligns with the intended objectives and captures the nuances of public statements accurately.