Friday, January 15, 1999

A devaluationist sends a message

Due to my work as a financial advisor, I have been able to see the damage being done to our economy by the overvaluation of the Bolivar firsthand. I therefore reiterate with urgency my call for a readjustment in the exchange rate of between 30% and 40%.

I am a bit disconcerted by the fact that by calling for this adjustment, for some strange reason that I don’t understand, I know I will be branded as a member of a group named “the devaluationists”. This group apparently has been attributed characteristics similar to those of a gang of hoodlums or even worse, of some type of malevolent sect. It is said that “the devaluationists” operate in the name of, and to the benefit of, evil speculators.

Jesting aside, the truth is that during the past weeks we have seen the birth in Venezuela of a campaign against the use of the devaluation as a normal and legitimate economic policy tool. Before the credo of “No Devaluation” acquires religious status, I wish to say the following: I wish for a devaluation now! This does not make me a “devaluationist”. Not any more so than a doctor who diagnoses the onset of gangrene and immediately orders the amputation of the affected limb cannot be labeled an “amputationist”.

For a long time now Venezuela has suffered through a period of inflation which is far and above the devaluation of it currency. The latter, therefore, has slowly but surely been revalued. A devaluation today would simply serve to bring the past up to date.

In order to sustain the actual overvaluation of the Bolivar, the government has had to resort to a policy of exorbitant interest rates which have only succeeded in shrinking our economy even further. The fact that Government officials maintain that the stability of our currency is the result of their excellent handling of the economy while they have to resort to high interest rates in order to support the same, would be funny if it were not for its tragic implications.

To blame inflation and other such diseases on devaluation is similar to believing that a fever causes illness, to the punishing a messenger because he delivers bad news. And as if that were not enough, the poor behavior of oil prices should cause enough to implement an immediate and anticipated devaluation without having to wait for our foreign reserves to be depleted.

Surely a devaluation will benefit some speculators. However, all speculation has two sides to it. Should we not devalue, speculators who dedicate their time to taking advantage of the high real interest rates offered by the financial system in Venezuela will benefit.

I recently read some illustrative declarations issued by Dr. Bradford DeLong of the University of California about the debate between those that propose a fluctuating exchange rate, represented in this case by Dr. Milton Friedman of Stanford University and those that favor a fixed exchange rate, represented by Dr. Robert Mundell of Columbia University.

DeLong explained the debate as follows. According to Dr. Friedman, the exchange rate is a price. To fix it, therefore, would be to violate human freedom. On the other hand, Dr. Mundell maintains that an exchange rate implies a promise. Therefore, to change it would be to default on an obligation. The concept of a solemn “promise” must be what inspires today’s fervor in Venezuela.

Evidently, should someone in Venezuela have issued a promise such as that mentioned by Dr. Mundell and should this promise have been accompanied by economic policies that at least gave us some hope that it would have been kept, I would be able to join, at least hypothetically, the group that defends a fixed exchange rate. To embrace the credo of a fixed exchange rate in the Venezuela of today, in which economic chaos reigns and without having received a formal and credible “promise” simply seems foolish.

I entreat my colleagues to go to the interior of the country. I will undoubtedly horrify them to see the number of jobs that are disappearing, some of them for ever, simply due to the overvaluation of the bolivar or the recession caused by the sky-high interest rates. The jobs I am talking about are not those created by illusions of the past such as the production of apples. No Sir, I am talking about real jobs in developed sectors in which we are solidly competitive. In the face of global recession that depresses prices and promotes dumping, these sectors deserve support, not punishment.

Those that say today that we should not devalue, simply have not analyzed the realities of the Venezuelan economy. Due to the lack of internal and external demand, most people are simply working in order to satisfy, precariously, their cash flow needs. In this sense, we also have a considerable repressed inflation which must be reflected somehow before we reach an equilibrium.

The lost jobs are civil fatalities caused by the war against the use of devaluation as the government’s fiscal tool. In this war, we are not taking the proper precautions in order to correctly identify the weapons to be used as well as to avoid aiming at civilians. Many of my colleagues simply are closing their eyes, or worse, are clamoring for the use of more napalm.